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Bring the Music to You

The SilverBus is a mobile performance venue. The dream is to perform for free in as many places and for as many people as possible. This 1977 Chevrolet School Bus is a stage containing all the instruments: Two Drum sets bolted to the floor, Guitars, the Bass, a keyboard (if be), a sampler/looper, a full range of amplifiers, and people who love to play Music.

Bus Driver is an Artist who designs Keeut Clothing. (more on Keeut Clothing on the-> What's New Page)

Promoting Alternative Living

The SilverBus is a home as well as an Artist's Studio. Everything is powered by Solar Panels and there is a Rainwater Collector on the roof.

Contact : pnosa@hotmail.com


Music Music Music
The SilverBus is a tool. Designed for a variety of performances. Expect to dance, laugh, and find a moment to contemplate what you really believe. It all comes to surface here in the SilverBus.

Inside the SilverBus
Christopher, Adam, and Paul playing in the bus